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The situation continued until the fifth week, when after the fifth foiled bank robbery, my friend facetiously suggested that next time, they foil a jewelry store heist instead. In the third session, they foiled yet another bank robbery. Next week, they foiled another bank robbery. In the first session, the PCs foiled a bank robbery. He loved superheroes, and was glad that Champions gave him a chance to live out one of his favorite genres, but he wasn’t filled with confidence in the GM.

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He came to the first session filled with excitement and trepidation. One of the most memorable “how not to play Champions” stories I’ve heard involves a friend who joined a Champions group in Las Vegas. INTRODUCTION After you’ve played RPGs for awhile, you pick up your share of horror stories. 168ĪPPENDIX: NEW CHARACTERS The Engineer. 167 Ten Rumors For The Heroes To Investigate. 163 Ten Bits Of Gossip To Spread Around At A Superhero Party. 160 Twenty Secret Identity Scenario Hooks. 145ĬHAPTER EIGHT: THE PLOT GALLERY The Plot Gallery. 138 Scenario: “’Til Death Do Us Part.”139 The Wedding In The Champions Universe. 127ĬHAPTER SEVEN: MY BIG FAT CAPED WEDDING Wedding Bells. 123 Random Microscopic Adventure Scenario Generator. 123 Scenario: With A Song In His Heart And A Bomb In His Head. 112 Proportional Reduction Of Powers.114 Organizing The Scenario. 50 Bad Drugs For Doctored Medicine: The Approach. 106ĬHAPTER THREE: “ASK CHAPTER SIX: YOUR DOCTOR IF METATRON “HONEY, I SHRUNK THE IS RIGHT FOR YOU!” SUPERHEROES!” The Superpowers Drug. 103 Random Mad Science Scenario Generator. 87ĬHAPTER FIVE: IT CAME FROM A MAD SCIENTIST’S LAB! Science!. 65 Random Superpowers Drug Scenario Generator. 62 Scenario: Metatron Falls From The Heavenly Heights. 42 Scenario: Menace In The Downtown Core. 21ĬHAPTER TWO: THE THREAT BEYOND: Prelude To Invasion. 6 Thrilling Adventure, Tense Hostage Drama, or Comedy?. 4ĬHAPTER ONE: “HANDS IN THE AIR!” The Bank Robbery. First printing January 2005 Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102. Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Pulp Hero, Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. Hero SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. SPECIAL THANKS Special thanks to Tom McCarthy, Leah Watts, and the rest of the Digital Hero playtesters and testreaders who reviewed the manuscript for this book and helped us root out typos, math errors, and other niggling problems so we could make Villainy Amok as delightfully fiendish as possible. Therefore I dedicate Villainy Amok to Andy. This book isn’t a reproduction of Challenges - the scenarios are broken down into more generic bits, and cover far more ground - but I owe a debt to Andy’s work that needs to be acknowledged. In particular, in 1989, Andy Robinson wrote Challenges For Champions, a book of basic Champions scenarios. Long Layout & Graphic Design: Andy Mathews Cover Illustration: Brett Barkley Interior Illustration: Matthew Tito Cuenca, Fredd Gorham, Patrick McEnvoy, Derek Stevens, Greg SmithĭEDICATION Nothing arises in a vacuum, and Villainy Amok is no exception.

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VILLAINYK O M A A Sourcebook for Champions Author: Scott Bennie Editing & Development: Steven S.

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